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<p><strong><em>Height/Weight:</em></strong> </p>
<p><strong><em>Height/Weight:</em></strong> </p>
<p><strong><em>Hometown:</em></strong> </p>
<p><strong><em>Hometown:</em></strong>Missoula, Montana, USA </p>
<p><strong><em>Current rank:</em></strong> Major</p>
<p><strong><em>Current rank:</em></strong> Major</p>
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<p>Schedule: Well, I imagine I would be used to keeping later hours. Crime does happen in the mornings, but I feel like it would be more prevalent at night. However, the military nature of what we are doing may make us feel like we need to be up early. I imagine I would wake up at 6:30 as a general rule, but that is flexible depending on my night prior. I would end up heading to bed sometime after midnight on an “office hours” day. In the field, sleep would be more opportunistic. I would wake up and exercise right away to get the day going. Then eat while I am going through briefings. Then start to check in with the teams, unless they were scrambling to get in touch with me, of course. My "official" schedule would be 6:30 to midnight. That would be infinitely flexible. Basically, I would be up until I have a chance to sleep.
<p>Schedule: Well, I imagine I would be used to keeping later hours. Crime does happen in the mornings, but I feel like it would be more prevalent at night. However, the military nature of what we are doing may make us feel like we need to be up early. I imagine I would wake up at 6:30 as a general rule, but that is flexible depending on my night prior. I would end up heading to bed sometime after midnight on an “office hours” day. In the field, sleep would be more opportunistic. I would wake up and exercise right away to get the day going. Then eat while I am going through briefings. Then start to check in with the teams, unless they were scrambling to get in touch with me, of course. My "official" schedule would be 6:30 to midnight. That would be infinitely flexible. Basically, I would be up until I have a chance to sleep.
<p>"Now then, Mr Sellers. I have it on good authority that you are an expert in weaponry. Could you identify this for me?" a cloth comes off of the object on the table, and Nick immediately recognize the workings of a poorly preserved revolver. The scales of the grip are mostly gone, but the unmistakable pattern of wood is visible through the rot. The rivets are also badly rusted, some barely present.</p>
<p>While looking intently at the remnants, Nick says "I'm a weapons expert, not an antiquities authority." The other man starts to sigh, and Nick interrupts "...But I can tell you a few things about this."</p>
<p>"It appears to be a Colt Navy revolver. The walnut inlays, though all but destroyed lead me to believe this was a one-off for someone. A High ranking lieutenant, perhaps a captain's personal piece?"</p>
<p>Behind Nick, the other man nods his head "Very observant. What do you make of the inscription on the ejection slide?"</p>
<p>Nick looks more closely, and begins to make out the worn, but still visible engravings - "Si...Sic Semp..."</p>
<p>Nick stops as he realizes what he's reading. "Sic Semper Tyrannus?"</p>
<p>Movement from behind, now, Nick feels the air gather around the incoming blow. Just before the impact grows imminent, the voice from behind Nick says "The world cannot abide the tyranny of your government any longer." Nick steps to the side so that the impact misses him, entirely. the sound of a steel baton striking the stainless steel table rings through the room.</p>
<p>Nick responds with a quick step away from the assailant, a second man who suddenly appeared from an unknown location. In an instant, Nick reaches for his concealed handgun and feels the familiar stock of the customized SilencerCo Maxim9 in his left hand as his right hand releases the fabric of the shirt he's wearing. moving away from the threat, and without even fully extending his arm towards the target, Nick gets off 2 suppressed rounds before the baton wielder can even fully rotate his head to track Nick's movement.</p>
<p>Surprise registers on the first man's face as the muzzle of Nick's weapon is now aimed directly at him. He clearly didn't expect Nick to move so fast.</p>
<p>Nick begins to say "Hands up!" when he notices the man moving for his jacket pocket. Reflexes take over, and, when combined with the adrenaline coursing through his veins, Nick's left index finger squeezes the trigger, releasing the sear in the pistol's mechanism and 147 grains of lead and copper fly at 1000 ft/ second towards the right side temporal lobe of the man who had invited Nick here.</p>
<p>Nick scanned the room once more, assessing for threats, and then for security devices. Finding one camera with minimal coverage, Nick pulled from his pocket a small disc-like device that when thrown, allowed its operator to seize control of any electrical, electronic, software, or surveillance system within 5 feet of where it lands.</p>
<p>While the device did its job, Nick looked around for his spent casings, and collected the brass to his pocket, being careful not to leave any trace of his existence here. by the time he had crawled under the table to reach one stray brass which Nick remembered having hit his right boot during the events. Nick quickly ran through the events, and remembered that was the second round fired. A quick glance at the surroundings showed that the GLUON rounds he carried had done their job, preventing all but a small spray of blood upon impact.</p>
<p>Looking around, Nick felt satisfied that once the footage of the room was dealt with, he could safely leave, and nobody would be the wiser.</p>
<p>It was unfortunate that things turned out this way, but, as they say in basic - Shit's going to go wrong. Plan for it, and then you're not surprised. This meeting had definitely gone wrong.</p>
<p>Nick checked his gear, did an admin reload of his pistol and then turned his attention to his mobile device which served the secondary purpose of his mobile video editing station tonight. The edit wasn't flawless, but it was good enough to avoid detection from anyone but D.S. or the CIA. Nick finished the edit, and sent the signal to melt the disc. a small glow and an almost imperceptible hum was the last thing Nick saw of the SpriteDisc2k. The doors slid open for him as he approached them, and soon, Nick Sellers was back in the night air in Nazareth, Pennsylvania.</p>

Latest revision as of 20:45, 21 November 2022

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Name: Nicholas Sellers

Age/Gender: 26/M


Hometown:Missoula, Montana, USA

Current rank: Major

Current station: DS-I Command Paris, France

Agency pathway: Westpoint Honors Graduate, Army MP

Specialties: Strategy, Investigation

Additional skills: Interviewing, Combat weapons expert, Leadership

Known aliases: <redacted>

Known acquaintances: <redacted>

Biographical notes: Strategy and tactics specialist, trained at West Point under the legendary strategist Colonel Julian Tolliver. Was once considered a top prospect for leadership, but found himself in no man's land once Colonel Tolliver fell out of favor with his superiors. Rather than try new political channels, Sellers decided to eschew politics and join the Military Police. An expert investigator, interviewer and intelligence officer, Sellers was assigned to the 110th Special Investigations Unit under the command of [NAME], prior to joining DS. Has extensive weapons combat training. Devastatingly handsome and great in bed.


Schedule: Well, I imagine I would be used to keeping later hours. Crime does happen in the mornings, but I feel like it would be more prevalent at night. However, the military nature of what we are doing may make us feel like we need to be up early. I imagine I would wake up at 6:30 as a general rule, but that is flexible depending on my night prior. I would end up heading to bed sometime after midnight on an “office hours” day. In the field, sleep would be more opportunistic. I would wake up and exercise right away to get the day going. Then eat while I am going through briefings. Then start to check in with the teams, unless they were scrambling to get in touch with me, of course. My "official" schedule would be 6:30 to midnight. That would be infinitely flexible. Basically, I would be up until I have a chance to sleep.

"Now then, Mr Sellers. I have it on good authority that you are an expert in weaponry. Could you identify this for me?" a cloth comes off of the object on the table, and Nick immediately recognize the workings of a poorly preserved revolver. The scales of the grip are mostly gone, but the unmistakable pattern of wood is visible through the rot. The rivets are also badly rusted, some barely present.

While looking intently at the remnants, Nick says "I'm a weapons expert, not an antiquities authority." The other man starts to sigh, and Nick interrupts "...But I can tell you a few things about this."

"It appears to be a Colt Navy revolver. The walnut inlays, though all but destroyed lead me to believe this was a one-off for someone. A High ranking lieutenant, perhaps a captain's personal piece?"

Behind Nick, the other man nods his head "Very observant. What do you make of the inscription on the ejection slide?"

Nick looks more closely, and begins to make out the worn, but still visible engravings - "Si...Sic Semp..."

Nick stops as he realizes what he's reading. "Sic Semper Tyrannus?"

Movement from behind, now, Nick feels the air gather around the incoming blow. Just before the impact grows imminent, the voice from behind Nick says "The world cannot abide the tyranny of your government any longer." Nick steps to the side so that the impact misses him, entirely. the sound of a steel baton striking the stainless steel table rings through the room.

Nick responds with a quick step away from the assailant, a second man who suddenly appeared from an unknown location. In an instant, Nick reaches for his concealed handgun and feels the familiar stock of the customized SilencerCo Maxim9 in his left hand as his right hand releases the fabric of the shirt he's wearing. moving away from the threat, and without even fully extending his arm towards the target, Nick gets off 2 suppressed rounds before the baton wielder can even fully rotate his head to track Nick's movement.

Surprise registers on the first man's face as the muzzle of Nick's weapon is now aimed directly at him. He clearly didn't expect Nick to move so fast.

Nick begins to say "Hands up!" when he notices the man moving for his jacket pocket. Reflexes take over, and, when combined with the adrenaline coursing through his veins, Nick's left index finger squeezes the trigger, releasing the sear in the pistol's mechanism and 147 grains of lead and copper fly at 1000 ft/ second towards the right side temporal lobe of the man who had invited Nick here.

Nick scanned the room once more, assessing for threats, and then for security devices. Finding one camera with minimal coverage, Nick pulled from his pocket a small disc-like device that when thrown, allowed its operator to seize control of any electrical, electronic, software, or surveillance system within 5 feet of where it lands.

While the device did its job, Nick looked around for his spent casings, and collected the brass to his pocket, being careful not to leave any trace of his existence here. by the time he had crawled under the table to reach one stray brass which Nick remembered having hit his right boot during the events. Nick quickly ran through the events, and remembered that was the second round fired. A quick glance at the surroundings showed that the GLUON rounds he carried had done their job, preventing all but a small spray of blood upon impact.

Looking around, Nick felt satisfied that once the footage of the room was dealt with, he could safely leave, and nobody would be the wiser.

It was unfortunate that things turned out this way, but, as they say in basic - Shit's going to go wrong. Plan for it, and then you're not surprised. This meeting had definitely gone wrong.

Nick checked his gear, did an admin reload of his pistol and then turned his attention to his mobile device which served the secondary purpose of his mobile video editing station tonight. The edit wasn't flawless, but it was good enough to avoid detection from anyone but D.S. or the CIA. Nick finished the edit, and sent the signal to melt the disc. a small glow and an almost imperceptible hum was the last thing Nick saw of the SpriteDisc2k. The doors slid open for him as he approached them, and soon, Nick Sellers was back in the night air in Nazareth, Pennsylvania.