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"One of them lunged at me, trying to drive me deeper into the circle, but the only thing that did was make him dead. 5 of them fell before they began to realize I wasn't someone to trifle with. You'd have thought that my red blade would have clued them in, but they were determined. They continued to attack, until I fried one of them with lightning. I guess that snapped them out of their battle fugue, and I saw them receive instructions...they sort of...paused for a moment. I later learned that Commander [[Frota Ontoss|Ontoss]] was relaying information to them about the location of a cell of force users. They quickly evaporated from around me."</p>
"One of them lunged at me, trying to drive me deeper into the circle, but the only thing that did was make him dead. 5 of them fell before they began to realize I wasn't someone to trifle with. You'd have thought that my red blade would have clued them in, but they were determined. They continued to attack, until I fried one of them with lightning. I guess that snapped them out of their battle fugue, and I saw them receive instructions...they sort of...paused for a moment. I later learned that Commander [[Frota Ontoss|Ontoss]] was relaying information to them about the location of a cell of force users. They quickly evaporated from around me."</p>
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Revision as of 05:30, 7 June 2020

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A military unit comprised of powerful force-sensitives. Viewed by the rest of the military as being a little crazy.

Known members:


The 433rd mistakes Operative Ovilia Keff'Ree for a rogue force user, as told to Darth C'errax by Darth Ridas 47-45 BTJ

"I once ran across the 433rd. It was about 50 years ago, just before I was recalled to take an apprentice. I was deep inside the Republic, gathering intel on a dangerous faction of rogue Force users. We had them identified, but every time one of them got close enough to the surface to snatch, the 433rd showed up. it was like they were working together. They'd scare the group off, and we started over. this went on for months. My republic contacts gave up, leaving me there alone. I was too deep to want to let go, so I continued to chase them."

With a chuckle, Darth Ridas continued: "The 433rd made the mistake of labeling me one of the rogue faction. I didn't want to hurt them, but they were relentless...very worthy of the 'Hunter' moniker. They circled me, and began to close in. I told them that they didn't want to do this, but you can probably imagine how well that went."

Darth Ridas looked at her guest, and smiled, knowing that Darth C'errax would appreciate the situation.

"One of them lunged at me, trying to drive me deeper into the circle, but the only thing that did was make him dead. 5 of them fell before they began to realize I wasn't someone to trifle with. You'd have thought that my red blade would have clued them in, but they were determined. They continued to attack, until I fried one of them with lightning. I guess that snapped them out of their battle fugue, and I saw them receive instructions...they sort of...paused for a moment. I later learned that Commander Ontoss was relaying information to them about the location of a cell of force users. They quickly evaporated from around me."