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<p class="p">SolomonBrand completed his trials. It was a long, excruciating task in which he should have died 3 times, but wasn't allowed, as he was under the protection of Lady [[Ananke]] during the trials. He tried stealing the Sigil and hiding the temple. Each time he did this, [[Bast]] became incensed and killed him. the first time was being obliterated.. turned into pink mist. The second time he was drowned in the sea by the coast of [[Serosian]] with chains wrapped about him. The third time he progressed a little further, trying to appeal to her. At her lair, she rejected his appeals about her being on a path which led to darkness.</p>
<p class="p">SolomonBrand completed his trials. It was a long, excruciating task in which he should have died 3 times, but wasn't allowed, as he was under the protection of Lady [[Ananke]] during the trials. He tried stealing the Sigil and hiding the temple. Each time he did this, [[Bast]] became incensed and killed him. the first time was being obliterated.. turned into pink mist. The second time he was drowned in the sea by the coast of [[Serosian]] with chains wrapped about him. The third time he progressed a little further, trying to appeal to her. At her lair, she rejected his appeals about her being on a path which led to darkness.</p>
<p class="p">The fourth time, having learned a great deal from the previous experiences, he was able to get her to trust him enough to listen. He hid her temple, but left the Sigil where it was. He approached her and reasoned, able to get her to promise to stay in her lair until the battle was over, rather than enter the battle to assist the [[Victoriana Legion]]. She extracted a promise from SolomonBrand that he would walk the battlefield with her after it was concluded to determine if justice was served. He went to confirm that would satisfy the task given by Ra, then went back to [[Bast]] with an amended deal - he would bring the temple seal to her for her keeping, then return when the battle was completed.</p>
<p class="p">The fourth time, having learned a great deal from the previous experiences, he was able to get her to trust him enough to listen. He hid her temple, but left the Sigil where it was. He approached her and reasoned, able to get her to promise to stay in her lair until the battle was over, rather than enter the battle to assist the [[Victoriana Legion]]. She extracted a promise from SolomonBrand that he would walk the battlefield with her after it was concluded to determine if justice was served. He went to confirm that would satisfy the task given by Ra, then went back to [[Bast]] with an amended deal - he would bring the temple seal to her for her keeping, then return when the battle was completed.</p>
<p class="p">Each time SolomonBrand died, he relived the entire experience again - beginning with awakening under the tree where he met [[Archer]] [[Luminex]]. He was offered a Mirabellan plum - a sacred fruit. When SolomonBrand bit the plum, it fast-forwarded the next 18 months of SolomonBrand's experiences.. he saw the triumphant breaking through of [[Archer]] to become a [[Mage]]. He experienced the 15 months on the island with [[Calypso]] and her people. He fell in love with [[Calypso]] as [[#Ulysses|Ulysses]], saw the birth of [[Ulysses Setsiris]]... gave him to [[Antonius Abraxas]] to be raised. Replayed the final day of the city of [[Toth Barrickea]]. He witnessed the reuniting of the people of [[Calypso]] with the people of [[Heliopolis]].</p>
<p class="p">Each time SolomonBrand died, he relived the entire experience again - beginning with awakening under the tree where he met [[Archer]] [[Luminex]]. He was offered a Mirabellan plum - a sacred fruit. When SolomonBrand bit the plum, it fast-forwarded the next 18 months of SolomonBrand's experiences.. he saw the triumphant breaking through of [[Archer]] to become a [[Troy|Mages]]. He experienced the 15 months on the island with [[Calypso]] and her people. He fell in love with [[Calypso]] as [[#Ulysses|Ulysses]], saw the birth of [[Ulysses Setsiris]]... gave him to [[Antonius Abraxas]] to be raised. Replayed the final day of the city of [[Toth Barrickea]]. He witnessed the reuniting of the people of [[Calypso]] with the people of [[Heliopolis]].</p>
<p class="p">There were small differences in the story each time, as SolomonBrand tried different things. He met [[Wayland]] and [[Strahbo]] both - they were [[Oerendine Mages]] at this point. They were surprised that SolomonBrand knew them. Learned that the doorway crystal magic was lost magic sometime between the fall of [[Barrickea]] and when SolomonBrand invented it as a master mage project.</p>
<p class="p">There were small differences in the story each time, as SolomonBrand tried different things. He met [[Wayland]] and [[Strahbo]] both - they were [[Oerendine Mages]] at this point. They were surprised that SolomonBrand knew them. Learned that the doorway crystal magic was lost magic sometime between the fall of [[Barrickea]] and when SolomonBrand invented it as a master mage project.</p>
<p class="p">He saw [[Unamau]] spare herself by hiding in the oracle's cave. He saw [[Calypso]] murdered first by the [[Oerendine Mages]] (didn't see it, but assumed it happened). He met [[Ezekiel]] <second name> who was the [[High Priest]] when the order fell.</p>
<p class="p">He saw [[Unamau]] spare herself by hiding in the oracle's cave. He saw [[Calypso]] murdered first by the [[Oerendine Mages]] (didn't see it, but assumed it happened). He met [[Ezekiel]] <second name> who was the [[High Priest]] when the order fell.</p>

Revision as of 07:59, 27 March 2023

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"So come, Death. Take me, or take everyone else in this place. You will feast tonight, either way."

To Osiris, Ra and Set, all gathered together in the temple of Osiris "I beg you to let me be the instrument of your vengeance. I desire to bathe in the fear of your enemies and wade, knee-deep, in their blood until there are no more standing."

"You must know by now that as a tiger on the plains is not tame, neither is the Living Flame of Wynnd."

Born 180 years after the great separation


Notable Journeys

"Then I declare, as Ra, Father of the Sun, Lord of the Two Horizons, Ruler of the Earth, the Sky and the Underworld, that SolomonBrand is a servant of Heliopolis in all times and all places, wherever his path shall carry him.”

"I, SolomonBrand - forever servant of the Ennead in all segments of time and history embark upon this task. Whether to success or to death - I do so as a servant and Friend of Heliopolis. Fare well, friends - until next we meet, or until the Underworld at Osiris' feet."

The fulfillment of the Pharaoh's Rebirth quest

SolomonBrand completed his trials. It was a long, excruciating task in which he should have died 3 times, but wasn't allowed, as he was under the protection of Lady Ananke during the trials. He tried stealing the Sigil and hiding the temple. Each time he did this, Bast became incensed and killed him. the first time was being obliterated.. turned into pink mist. The second time he was drowned in the sea by the coast of Serosian with chains wrapped about him. The third time he progressed a little further, trying to appeal to her. At her lair, she rejected his appeals about her being on a path which led to darkness.

The fourth time, having learned a great deal from the previous experiences, he was able to get her to trust him enough to listen. He hid her temple, but left the Sigil where it was. He approached her and reasoned, able to get her to promise to stay in her lair until the battle was over, rather than enter the battle to assist the Victoriana Legion. She extracted a promise from SolomonBrand that he would walk the battlefield with her after it was concluded to determine if justice was served. He went to confirm that would satisfy the task given by Ra, then went back to Bast with an amended deal - he would bring the temple seal to her for her keeping, then return when the battle was completed.

Each time SolomonBrand died, he relived the entire experience again - beginning with awakening under the tree where he met Archer Luminex. He was offered a Mirabellan plum - a sacred fruit. When SolomonBrand bit the plum, it fast-forwarded the next 18 months of SolomonBrand's experiences.. he saw the triumphant breaking through of Archer to become a Mages. He experienced the 15 months on the island with Calypso and her people. He fell in love with Calypso as Ulysses, saw the birth of Ulysses Setsiris... gave him to Antonius Abraxas to be raised. Replayed the final day of the city of Toth Barrickea. He witnessed the reuniting of the people of Calypso with the people of Heliopolis.

There were small differences in the story each time, as SolomonBrand tried different things. He met Wayland and Strahbo both - they were Oerendine Mages at this point. They were surprised that SolomonBrand knew them. Learned that the doorway crystal magic was lost magic sometime between the fall of Barrickea and when SolomonBrand invented it as a master mage project.

He saw Unamau spare herself by hiding in the oracle's cave. He saw Calypso murdered first by the Oerendine Mages (didn't see it, but assumed it happened). He met Ezekiel <second name> who was the High Priest when the order fell.

The final time, when SolomonBrand got it right, he walked the city with Bast, surveying the damage. They came upon a place where they brought survivors to be healed. There was Amenhotep - not Pharaoh... lying with his torso slashed by a Fusterrenskaad. He was dying. Bast became angry, blaming it on SolomonBrand because he made her wait in her cave. Amenhotep pleaded, telling Bast that he had asked her multiple times to turn away from this path. He begged her to return to her lair, as she was not supposed to walk among mortals. She was about to, when An-Hur, Menhit and Monthu appeared. There was a confrontation, and the others challenged An-Hur. He put them in their place. SolomonBrand put himself between Bast and An-Hur to protect her. An-hur slashed at SolomonBrand, but SolomonBrand was hurled across the field, and the slash cut through Bast, who collapsed in halves.

SolomonBrand got to his feet, and turned to face An-Hur who was finally convinced to leave. SolomonBrand rushed to Amenhotep, who passed the mantle of Pharaoh to our hero. He also gave the Headpiece to SolomonBrand. Amenhotep then died.

SolomonBrand reported to Ra, who had a couple things still to accomplish. SolomonBrand removed the runes of hiding from the temple of Bast and put them around the lair of Bast where the Sigil remained. He was taken to a supernatural field, where as hints of his location were discovered, he grew closer to a house.. the house of Ananke.

She gave SolomonBrand an opp to ask any questions, and charged him to provide a summary of what he had learned, along with 4 decisions: his Aspect (power), groups for which he is a Patron (Parents and Kelpie) and his animal (dragon). The 4th decision was what to do with his name. This would all be required at a ceremony which he was to arrange with Ra.

Upon returning home, he found himself on the floor of Mythras' tower. Mythras greeted him and ascertained that SolomonBrand was now an earth-bound caretaker. SolomonBrand returned home to greet his family and be healed. He then cleaned himself and went to visit Ra. He reported on his trials, and was given tasks to complete before the ceremony was to take place. Tasks : restore the Temple of Bast, think on who would be a good Bast replacement and wait for Bast to be re-empowered. Upon that happening, the Sigil would be given to Bast and the ceremony would take place for SolomonBrand to become Pharaoh.

Conversation with Ra in Heliopolis

"I fear your actions and opinions have been pulled in many different directions. Would you agree with that? You have been a good voice for others, but perhaps not as much on your own behalf. Does that sound fair?" Ra asked.

SolomonBrand nodded "I can see it that way, but only if I try."

Ra replied "You said you can only see it that way if you try. Will you explain that further to me? I asked the question and I have something specific in mind, but I am wondering if the question was a little unclear."

"It felt like you were asking me if I felt that I didn't have a voice, but was reacting only to what others wanted and what would make them happy." Came SolomonBrand's response.

"Let me ask you further, then: you say you don't focus on your desires and decisions with this. What is the reason for that?" Ra inquired

SolomonBrand Thought for a while, not expecting to have to explain this to his patron, Ra. "To your question of why I don't focus on my desires...I am not Pharaoh for my benefit. I am not a Priest for my own satisfaction and selfish reasons. I am not Lord Imperator for my own gain. I am these things for the benefit of others. I am greatly blessed by these callings and gifts...greatly blessed... but I am none of those things for my enjoyment. I am a Husband and a Father for my enjoyment and my own desires. So if by my position, talents, resources, or strength I can help someone, I will."

Ra looked at his garden for a long couple of moments. Nearly a full minute passed while he remained still, in thought. It was long enough that SolomonBrand mentally go over what he had said to see if he said something dumb.

Finally, Ra looked at his protege, SolomonBrand with a smile. "SolomonBrand, I am confident that one day you will be counted as the greatest champion that the Order of Heliopolis has ever had. Already -- two score years into your mortality -- I could make that argument and few would scoff at it. Many wouldn't agree -- not yet -- but they will one day."



One of the gods of the Ennead. Pharaoh is an Earth-bound god, meant to walk with mankind and use his power and wisdom to help promote the worship of Heliopolis. Pharaoh is also the god of power, power being the aspect chosen when Pharaoh was reborn in SolomonBrand. Pharaoh is the patron god of the Kelpie and also of parents.

A graphical representation of the schedule SolomonBrand adopted for himself to take care of the duties of being Pharaoh

Personally owned properties

Roi Soleil
Van Oerendia - Fountain Home
Toth Wynnd
House on Richards Street
Forreston Keep
Forreston Tournament facilities
Synhoven Estate
Island in Mu'Lapan
Four Corners
Toth Barrickea Bluff estate