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<p><strong><em>Height/Weight:</em></strong> </p>
<p><strong><em>Height/Weight:</em></strong> </p>
<p><strong><em>Hometown:</em></strong> </p>
<p><strong><em>Hometown:</em></strong>Missoula, Montana, USA </p>
<p><strong><em>Current rank:</em></strong> Major</p>
<p><strong><em>Current rank:</em></strong> Major</p>

Revision as of 03:44, 13 November 2020

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Name: Nicholas Sellers

Age/Gender: 26/M


Hometown:Missoula, Montana, USA

Current rank: Major

Current station: DS-I Command Paris, France

Agency pathway: Westpoint Honors Graduate, Army MP

Specialties: Strategy, Investigation

Additional skills: Interviewing, Combat weapons expert, Leadership

Known aliases: <redacted>

Known acquaintances: <redacted>

Biographical notes: Strategy and tactics specialist, trained at West Point under the legendary strategist Colonel Julian Tolliver. Was once considered a top prospect for leadership, but found himself in no man's land once Colonel Tolliver fell out of favor with his superiors. Rather than try new political channels, Sellers decided to eschew politics and join the Military Police. An expert investigator, interviewer and intelligence officer, Sellers was assigned to the 110th Special Investigations Unit under the command of [NAME], prior to joining DS. Has extensive weapons combat training. Devastatingly handsome and great in bed.


Schedule: Well, I imagine I would be used to keeping later hours. Crime does happen in the mornings, but I feel like it would be more prevalent at night. However, the military nature of what we are doing may make us feel like we need to be up early. I imagine I would wake up at 6:30 as a general rule, but that is flexible depending on my night prior. I would end up heading to bed sometime after midnight on an “office hours” day. In the field, sleep would be more opportunistic. I would wake up and exercise right away to get the day going. Then eat while I am going through briefings. Then start to check in with the teams, unless they were scrambling to get in touch with me, of course. My "official" schedule would be 6:30 to midnight. That would be infinitely flexible. Basically, I would be up until I have a chance to sleep.