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SBoW marveled at the planning and the logistical excellence which went into the tent city. There was hot water created by solar heaters, food for those who didn't pack any, showering facilities, drinking water dispensaries... this was a place that could truly be a city if needed. Cleo told SBoW that this was already a profitable venture, and that they expected to see much more income over the next couple days. Cleo introduced SBoW to a Byblish street food which served a skewer of meat with a peanut sauce covering it. This was new to SBoW, and he loved it. He left Cleo and went to the Pharaoh's Temple and greeted all inside. After this, he returned home, and the rest of the evening was spent standing in lines at the vendor with his wives, fetching skewers of Satay. Shara returned home, and went to take a bath. SBoW took his oldest sons to go have a beer.
SBoW marveled at the planning and the logistical excellence which went into the tent city. There was hot water created by solar heaters, food for those who didn't pack any, showering facilities, drinking water dispensaries... this was a place that could truly be a city if needed. Cleo told SBoW that this was already a profitable venture, and that they expected to see much more income over the next couple days. Cleo introduced SBoW to a Byblish street food which served a skewer of meat with a peanut sauce covering it. This was new to SBoW, and he loved it. He left Cleo and went to the Pharaoh's Temple and greeted all inside. After this, he returned home, and the rest of the evening was spent standing in lines at the vendor with his wives, fetching skewers of Satay. Shara returned home, and went to take a bath. SBoW took his oldest sons to go have a beer.
*The accusation
Met Zosimus and Orion in the bar. Disagreement, Orion alleged Tiberius was an afterthought.
*The rebuke
SBoW told Orion to get the F^&K out.
*The invitation
Zosimus extended an invitation to SBoW and his family for the Olympiad in the summer
*The festival
The festival began, and the Uru-Mashentis enjoy the shopping. Ahmine takes it upon herself to spread the wealth among the shop keepers - a common thread through the whole festival
*The dancing and The frugging about
At night, the festival turns more lewd. Boundaries are still resepected throughout the festival, though at times it gets a little much. Eventually, Mirabella and Annabeth were allowed to participate in the early parts of the festival, before it turned too... adult
*The "experience of a lifetime"
SBoW, Ahmine, and Circe all decided that it would be best to sleep together from now on. this was a result of some very, very worked up people, ending in the greatest sexual experience ever.
*The fall to men
Moms and Dad decided that it was time for their sons to become men, and so SBoW told Khel and Ti to lose their virginity at the festival. They made a bet of it, and both accomplished the task.
*The arrangement
Orson the 1st's first son, the crown prince, the heir apparent to Wynnd, Frederik was involved in the same arrangement as were Khel and Ti. SBoW arranged for it to happen with a Khelpi, named Joni.
*The agitation
SBoW asked his wives how they'd feel about a third wife, admitting that he had feelings for Arden. They said that they would make it work if that's what SBoW wanted. They weren't overly happy about it.
*The discussion(s)
There was a lot... A LOT of discussions between the family about things of a sexual nature, including Tiberius and Mirabella's mutual attraction and denial. Annabeth seemed to get to the stage of obsession over things related to sex. She went as far as to peek on moms and dad one evening, when she was caught by Melisande, then by her parents. The same night, Tiberius was caught fooling around with Shyeni, and went to wait in Tiberius' room. the pair burst in and melted to a puddle of flesh, then SBoW was spotted, causing Shyeni to panic and flee immediately.
Discussions also occurred with SBoW and Shara about how she was alone and lonely. SBoW worked with Colleen to get a way for her to feel less like that. Things got good there.
*The confession
SBoW confessed to Arden that he loved her, and they discussed how it would work. The only way for it to work for SBoW was that Arden would be willing to court his wives and his children to become part of the parent group.
*The heartbreak
The only way it would work for Arden is if SBoW left his other wives and gave himself to her, only. So there was an impasse, and a parting, agreeing that they'd been dealt a bad hand.
*The rekindling
SBoW rekindled the friendship and closeness with Cleopatra, eventually taking her to a café in Oerendia where thy talked about a number of things, including whether Cleo would ever be interested in becoming a wife to SBoW. This was brought on by discussions earlier at the festival about SBoW possibly fathering a child for Cleo.
*The rebuff
Cleopatra didn't want anything except to be the leader of the Khelpi. That's what she's wanted her whole life, and is more important to her than the magical order.
*The Heliopolitic visit
Pharaoh had immensely focused control of his power when he took the mantle. Ra showed the memories he had saved in a book to Pharaoh. This book showed to Pharaoh all the things which Ra felt were failings. they discussed that the best thing for Pharaoh to do was to rely on his best judgment, and his thousands of years of experience.
*The Pharaoh's instructions
To The High Priestess, Pharaoh appeared in person at the Perch. Be excellent to each other. The order should have been at the festival, proclaiming the word. Be present for the Social events - the tournaments, etc. Continue to develop and grow.
*The unclassified detritus
SBoW acquired all of the houses surrounding the pool and adjacent the house they stayed in in Toth Barrickea. It's called the four corners
There was a meeting of the order, to which SBoW showed up. Gretchen talked to SBoW about a few things - CAMUs, Cleo on the path, etc.
*The Move
The Uru-Mashentis decided that it would be best to renovate the house on Richards st. As a result, they began doing maintenance on Foreston keep, and were planning to move there. They reacquainted themselves with Wolframm and Serene. This is the smallest house Ahmine's ever lived in... ever.

Revision as of 22:34, 14 April 2021

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Recap page, separated by DATE, newest bottom. This is meant to be a running narrative, and a holding place until categorization later


A return to life

With a deep breath, the world of Earth Mystical opened its eyes from a slumber. The new year found SolomonBrand looking at his pocketwatch as the minute hand clicked to indicate the new year's arrival. SBoW and his sons, Khel, Tiberius, and Agamemnon (Aggie) were outside the property on Richards street, which has adjoining nature property, and that borders on forests near Toth Wynnd. Two ne'er do wells in blue capes were spying on them, and, when approached, took off into the forest, where they began 'hunting' SBoW and his boys. Showing their prowess, Khel and Tiberius turned the game on them. SBoW ignited a fireball in his hand to serve as a beacon, communicating telepathically with his sons. SBoW invited Aggie to detect the footfalls of the men in blue cloaks, amid the protestations that the younger son had nothing to do. An arrow was loosed at SBoW, and instinctively he moved out of its way.

Khel and Tiberius eventually caught them and, after a short struggle, bound them until their father and brother approached them. The quartet discovered these were boys, and heard many things form their mouths - including that someone had paid them to play a prank on SBoW. The captured duo later recanted their tale, saying that it was a dumb New Year's prank, and that them shooting arrows at SBoW was just trying to scare him off. SBoW taught Aggie how to make a mortal bubble, and the quartet sent the 2 through a magic doorway, causing them to begin vomiting profusely on the other side. This vomiting subsided after 30 minutes, by which time the guards Khel had gone to fetch had arrived, and took them into custody.

A Reunion

The 4 returned home and joined festivities with the family. Ahmine and Circe, SBoW's wives met him with some mild ribbing about choosing to chase boys in the forest, rather than celebrate the new year with them. SBoW greeted them each with a kiss, then turned to greet the rest of the family. SBoW hugged and greeted each of his daughters, Annabeth, Mirabella, Hathor Kate, and Ariadne. His Eldest Daughter, Shara wasn't present, as she was serving the Khelpi as part of her agreement to requisite service to become a titled noble. SBoW's sister, Melisande was at the house, and SBoW greeted her as well. The story was told numerous times while everyone celebrated together. SBoW gathered all in the house, family and staff to have a drink of the warm cider which was made specifically for this celebration. After a toast to a prosperous year, they all drank. A cup for Shara was shared between SBoW and his wives.

SBoW went off on his own and telepathically spoke briefly to Shara, and then went to find his wives. After declining an invitation to join Ahmine in her room, Circe went off to bed, while SBoW and Ahmine went to sleep.

A new Day

The morning found SBoW asleep, alone. The sounds of hustle and bustle were all around them as the children prepared themselves for a journey to Toth Barrickea for the Revel festival, a festival dedicated to fertility, virility and copulatory acts. Not precisely a family affair, but there were daytime activities better suited for families, and that was the intended reason for the visit. While looking for ways to help, SBoW encountered Arden, who he greeted with a kiss on the lips, meaning it as a close friends' kiss, but Arden was ready (as she always is with SBoW) to take it further. The kiss turned into a passionate embrace, after which they parted ways. When all was prepared, SBoW found Vima Sunrider and asked again if she would join them, to which his seneschal replied that she would not, but will enjoy a few days of leisure while SBoW is away. The younger children, who were not yet claimed by a magic order went with mAhmine who was able to travel instantly without causing illness for mortals. The balance went through a doorway which SBoW opened to the home in the center of Toth Barrickea's old town..

After arriving at the house, the family inspected the 4 floors of the building which surrounded a courtyard. This house was built in a style which was reminiscent of and tributary to Emberton, the home of SBoW and Meli's parents. All were presented with rooms of their own, and they began unpacking their things. The Main floor was set up to be an open area with common areas for gathering. The second floor held a suite of rooms for SBoW, Ahmine, and Circe. The floor also had rooms for the younger children on the other side. The third floor was for The 3 older children, with room for expansion for more rooms. These rooms were more stately than the younger children's rooms.

SBoW found Tiberius in his room and talked for a bit about blacksmithing, then Khel joined. The conversation turned into an open discussion about things of a more...intimate nature, and Khel sheepishly asked about how SBoW and his wives' relationship worked. Tiberius postulated that the question Khel really wanted to ask was whether they had sex together... all three of them. The men talked about that for a while, and then they dispersed. SBoW found Khel in his room, and was joined by Ahmine and Circe who overheard the tail end of a conversation about SBoW's balls being bigger than Khel's. The wives expressed shock when they heard this, and Khel jumped, to which SBoW replied "Seems like they are - I didn't get scared by them".

Festival prep

The family all went out to see the city as booths and tents were being set up. they wandered the streets until That only lasted a short time until everyone was ready to be done seeing the city. Khel and Tiberius took Hathor Kate to see some of the temples, while the wives and family returned home to go swimming, leaving SBoW alone to go to some of the temples in the city. He went to Ra's temple, and after finally being admitted, thanks to Cleopatra's interference, SBoW went to honor his patron, Ra. SboW got the impression that he should visit Ra in person soon. SBoW left the temple, and wandered, along with Cleo through the city, until they arrived at a booth which was not completely set up. Cleo called with her commanding voice "Front and center, Frog!" and a figure appeared. SboW recognized this person immediately, as it was his eldest daughter, Shara. There was some conversation about how proud SBoW should be of her, and how, when Shara was done, she wouldn't hesitate to leave someone suspended mid-air for a time if they harassed her more.

SBoW hugged Shara, and told her that there was a bath waiting for her at the house. Cleo and SBoW wandered towards the Pharaoh's Temple and the great tent city outside the walls as they talked. They talked about the reason of the festival being to bring the next generation of Khelpi. Khelpi were only female, and so they relied on men of the world to furnish them with children. Only the girls were kept, while the male children were sent to orphanages or to families outside the Khelpi to be raised. SBoW asked Cleo if she wanted to be a mother, and she replied "That's not really in the cards...magic users can't get pregnant, remember?". SBoW rebutted "Can't have children with mortals, you mean." Cleo and SBoW both realized what that meant, and Cleo asked SBoW if he was volunteering. SBoW agreed to be the father of Cleo's child, if she wanted. There was discussion of other possible Magic users, and something about a devil's threesome with SBoW's sons and Cleo not knowing which was the father.

SBoW marveled at the planning and the logistical excellence which went into the tent city. There was hot water created by solar heaters, food for those who didn't pack any, showering facilities, drinking water dispensaries... this was a place that could truly be a city if needed. Cleo told SBoW that this was already a profitable venture, and that they expected to see much more income over the next couple days. Cleo introduced SBoW to a Byblish street food which served a skewer of meat with a peanut sauce covering it. This was new to SBoW, and he loved it. He left Cleo and went to the Pharaoh's Temple and greeted all inside. After this, he returned home, and the rest of the evening was spent standing in lines at the vendor with his wives, fetching skewers of Satay. Shara returned home, and went to take a bath. SBoW took his oldest sons to go have a beer.


  • The accusation

Met Zosimus and Orion in the bar. Disagreement, Orion alleged Tiberius was an afterthought.

  • The rebuke

SBoW told Orion to get the F^&K out.

  • The invitation

Zosimus extended an invitation to SBoW and his family for the Olympiad in the summer

  • The festival

The festival began, and the Uru-Mashentis enjoy the shopping. Ahmine takes it upon herself to spread the wealth among the shop keepers - a common thread through the whole festival

  • The dancing and The frugging about

At night, the festival turns more lewd. Boundaries are still resepected throughout the festival, though at times it gets a little much. Eventually, Mirabella and Annabeth were allowed to participate in the early parts of the festival, before it turned too... adult

  • The "experience of a lifetime"

SBoW, Ahmine, and Circe all decided that it would be best to sleep together from now on. this was a result of some very, very worked up people, ending in the greatest sexual experience ever.

  • The fall to men

Moms and Dad decided that it was time for their sons to become men, and so SBoW told Khel and Ti to lose their virginity at the festival. They made a bet of it, and both accomplished the task.

  • The arrangement

Orson the 1st's first son, the crown prince, the heir apparent to Wynnd, Frederik was involved in the same arrangement as were Khel and Ti. SBoW arranged for it to happen with a Khelpi, named Joni.

  • The agitation

SBoW asked his wives how they'd feel about a third wife, admitting that he had feelings for Arden. They said that they would make it work if that's what SBoW wanted. They weren't overly happy about it.

  • The discussion(s)

There was a lot... A LOT of discussions between the family about things of a sexual nature, including Tiberius and Mirabella's mutual attraction and denial. Annabeth seemed to get to the stage of obsession over things related to sex. She went as far as to peek on moms and dad one evening, when she was caught by Melisande, then by her parents. The same night, Tiberius was caught fooling around with Shyeni, and went to wait in Tiberius' room. the pair burst in and melted to a puddle of flesh, then SBoW was spotted, causing Shyeni to panic and flee immediately.

Discussions also occurred with SBoW and Shara about how she was alone and lonely. SBoW worked with Colleen to get a way for her to feel less like that. Things got good there.

  • The confession

SBoW confessed to Arden that he loved her, and they discussed how it would work. The only way for it to work for SBoW was that Arden would be willing to court his wives and his children to become part of the parent group.

  • The heartbreak

The only way it would work for Arden is if SBoW left his other wives and gave himself to her, only. So there was an impasse, and a parting, agreeing that they'd been dealt a bad hand.

  • The rekindling

SBoW rekindled the friendship and closeness with Cleopatra, eventually taking her to a café in Oerendia where thy talked about a number of things, including whether Cleo would ever be interested in becoming a wife to SBoW. This was brought on by discussions earlier at the festival about SBoW possibly fathering a child for Cleo.

  • The rebuff

Cleopatra didn't want anything except to be the leader of the Khelpi. That's what she's wanted her whole life, and is more important to her than the magical order.

  • The Heliopolitic visit

Pharaoh had immensely focused control of his power when he took the mantle. Ra showed the memories he had saved in a book to Pharaoh. This book showed to Pharaoh all the things which Ra felt were failings. they discussed that the best thing for Pharaoh to do was to rely on his best judgment, and his thousands of years of experience.

  • The Pharaoh's instructions

To The High Priestess, Pharaoh appeared in person at the Perch. Be excellent to each other. The order should have been at the festival, proclaiming the word. Be present for the Social events - the tournaments, etc. Continue to develop and grow.

  • The unclassified detritus

SBoW acquired all of the houses surrounding the pool and adjacent the house they stayed in in Toth Barrickea. It's called the four corners There was a meeting of the order, to which SBoW showed up. Gretchen talked to SBoW about a few things - CAMUs, Cleo on the path, etc.

  • The Move

The Uru-Mashentis decided that it would be best to renovate the house on Richards st. As a result, they began doing maintenance on Foreston keep, and were planning to move there. They reacquainted themselves with Wolframm and Serene. This is the smallest house Ahmine's ever lived in... ever.