ATK Recap

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  1. Sullust

    1. 4.5 days from Chalcedon

    2. Lava streams and turquoise lakes

      1. Most of the native civilization is underground tunnels which connect Lichen farms to Water supplies

    3. Rimma Trade Route

      1. Important Hub to outer rim trade

    4. SoroSuub Corporation headquarters

      1. Employs roughly 50% of the population of Sullust

  2. Vohai - contested

    1. 2 days from Sullust

    2. Covered with industrial sites, that were interspersed with residential towers and parkland

    3. Unirail encircled the planet 2 KM from the surface

    4. Arkanian Micro

      1. Medical supplies and Tech

      2. Genetic Engineering

    5. Corporate Government

  3. Naboo

    1. 1 day from Vohai



  • Ilum

    • 10 years old

    • No Master yet. Guided to Illum by Akku Yoru

    • The Choosing of your first Crystal.

      • Climbed 50 foot wall to the top to get the most luminous Adegan Crystal you had ever seen. Hung just out of reach of your youngling arms. Lept and levitated to break it free.

    • The creation of your first lightsaber

      • Lightsaber architect

        • First generation of droid to store the designs of all Jedi

    • The Force made physical, A Jedi is. Comes great responsibility with that, yes?

  • ATK’s Jedi knighting

    • "By the right of the Council, by the will of the Force, I dub thee, Knight of the Republic."

      • Done by Master Alken Ituhn, ATK’s Master.

  • ATK’s Master ceremony

    • Done by Master Alken Ituhn, the last GrandMaster of the Jedi Order.

    • ATK was 47 years old

    • "Today we witness the honor of recognizing the tremendous contributions of Knight <Name> to our order. More than this, his/her benefaction to the Republic and to the Galaxy on behalf of this Order.Years of training, teaching, learning, exploring, and dedication have led you to this moment.Let it be clearly understood that, more often than not, most Jedi go their entire lives, their entire careers, without ever being granted the rank of Master. This title is bestowed only to the most prestigious, esteemed and respected members of the Jedi Order; they embody all that the Order represents.You have trained a number of Padawans into full members of the Order. Your deeds on behalf of the Enclave are many and the influence they hold is extensive. The experience you have gathered is but one of the many assets you bring to the Order and to our Enclave."A number of Jedi will be asked to come forward to speak a few words about the Jedi who is reaching the rank of Master. Former padawans, padawans and friends/allies.

      • Kais Enkad

      • Kasat Venn

      • Akku Yoru

    • Pathfinder Leader: "Knight <Name>, do you swear to uphold the teachings of the Jedi, no matter where the Force finds you?"Knight: "I do."Pathfinder Leader: "Do you swear to continue to serve the Order, the Republic and the people of the Galaxy?"Knight: "I do."<The Council steps forward and forms a semicircle around the Knight.>Guardian Councilor: "We are one voice, one order, bound together through the Force."

      • Qopi Preve

    • Sentinel Councilor: "Through their actions, this Jedi has proved worthy, before our order and the Force itself."

      • Dran Banim

    • Consular Councilor: "We grant you the Rank of Jedi Master. Protect and guide the Republic, as the Force guides you."

      • Aster Catt

    • Head Councilor: "Rise, and may the Force be with you. It is a pleasure to welcome you as a fellow Master."

      • Alken Ituhn

  • ATK’s Padawan(s)

    • Kais Enkad

      • <a href="">Arkanian</a> Male

        • Became padawan when he turned 14 years old.

        • Found late...found by council’s meditation

        • Looks like Taylor Lautner with shoulder-length silvery- white hair

        • Family kept demanding to see him

          • Cultural dictates of pride in accomplishments.

        • Fought his natural arrogance well.

        • Was a good student, and a great friend.

        • Passed the trials and named Jedi Knight at 18

        • life span

          • 100 standard years

          • Child: 1-11 years

          • Young adult: 12-16 years

          • Adult: 17-52 years

          • Middle age:53-84 years

          • Old: 85-102 years

          • Venerable: 103+ years

      • ATK age 25-30

        • Chosen lightsaber form, still undecided for specialization.

    • Kasat Venn

      • <a href="">Aqualish</a> Male

        • Padawan when was about 10

        • Became a Knight at 20

        • Life Span

          • Child: 1 - 11 Years

          • Young Adult: 12 - 16 Years

          • Adult: 17 - 50 Years

          • Middle Age: 51 - 69 Years

          • Old: 70 - 79 Years

          • Venerable: 80+ Years

      • ATK age 35-45

      • Chose Consular’s path

      • ATK Became master 2 years after Kasat was knighted

    • Faith Ordo

      • <a href="">Cerean</a> Female

        • Padawan at age 8

        • Knight at age 20

        • Life Span

          • Child: 1 - 10 Years

          • Young Adult: 11 - 15 Years

          • Adult: 16 - 35 Years

          • Middle Age: 36 - 53 Years

          • Old: 54 - 64 Years

          • Venerable: 65+ Years

      • ATK age 55-68

        • Kyylibret had died within 7 years of taking her as Padawan

        • Experimenting with Lightsaber combat

    • Sarat Barak

      • <a href="">Zeltron</a> Female

        • Pink skin - like Bereet in Guardians

        • <a href="">picture</a>

        • Was 12-13 years old when ATK took her as padawan, at the request of the Council

        • No other Knight or Master had chosen her - unease

        • Council was concerned for her, was using her looks to intimidate and coerce other jedi...even masters

        • Knighted at 16

        • Life Span

          • Child: 1 - 11 Years

          • Young Adult: 12 - 18 Years

          • Adult: 19 - 49 Years

          • Middle Age: 50 - 64 Years

          • Old: 65 - 79 Years

          • Venerable: 80+ Years

        • Lost to the Dark Side.

          • She learned about the dark side

            • Used her appearance to sneak into archives to forbidden texts

            • Read lost/forbidden texts 

          • Confrontation 

            • Tried to take Sissi Gambess as a dark apprentice

            • ATK tracked down her ship. Sissi’s master was found stunned, ATK went alone

            • Sissi Resisted, but Sarat exerted Mind Control (learned from Texts, practiced in concert with her appearance)

            • Sissi went blank and began to attack

            • Ahn-Ton overpowered her mind tricks and eventually freed Sissi

          • Death

            • Sarat was overconfident in her abilities - gifted student, but no match for a Jedi Master

            • She would not yield, and her mind was too strong to subdue and put in cuffs.

            • ATK was forced to kill her in close quarters. Almost as if in an embrace, activated Lightsaber.

      • ATK age 81-85. 

        • Well-established in the Use of Force as a combat aid/ tool.

        • Named Master just before taking Sarat as padawan.

    • <a href="/Garbeth%20Geda">Garbeth Geda</a>

      • <a href="">Barabel</a> Male

        • Padawan when 14

        • Discovered force-sensitive late

        • Knighted when Age 20

        • Felt privileged to be a Jedi, but was embarrassed he was so old when knighted. “I’m supposed to already have a career established, and here I am, graduating from primary school.”

        • Life Span

          • Child: 1 - 8 Years

          • Young Adult: 9 - 15 Years

          • Adult: 16 - 40 Years

          • Middle Age: 41 - 59 Years

          • Old: 60 - 79 Years

          • Venerable: 80+ Years

      • ATK age 100-106

Galactic senatorial tour

  1. Pt 1 - begin on Coruscant

    1. Dantooine 

      1. 6 days from coruscant

      2. planet is almost entirely undeveloped, an unspoiled world wrapped in clean oceans, with its exposed land covered by olive-hued steppes and open savannahs of lavender grasses.

      3. Visiting because “Often, farmers do not have a voice” The majority of Planets in the Galaxy are not Urbanized, but are farming communities. They suffer because of pirates and also from other planets exploiting because they think farmers are less intelligent and less civilized.

      4. The Northeast section of one of the continents was identified as the Fields of Banir, which held the ruins of an ancient Jedi temple

      5. Tribal government

      6. Jedi Guardians in vision

    2. Bilbringi

      1. 4.5 days from Dantooine

      2. Composed of asteroids with shipyards.

      3. Shipyards

        1. No production of new fleets - repairs only

        2. Despite close proximity to Coruscant, notoriously neutral and a strict no interference policy.

          • “Don’t start none, won’t be none”

          • Will push ships out, unfinished if captains or crew get involved in political/ territorial disputes.

        3. Well-defended, perhaps the best shipyard defense grid in the galaxy

      4. Bilbringi VII is the largest asteroid.

      5. No atmosphere - live in domes/ underground stations/ floating apartments (Container ships turned into housing).

      6. Crystal Barnacles

      7. Cheesy Meat Pies with Pepper

    3. Chalcedon

      1. 8 days from Bilbringi

      2. Rocky, volcanic. Semi-breathable air.

        1. Punishment was exile without a breathing/ scrubbing apparatus.

      3. 2 colonies

      4. Visiting because it’s an investigation mission, Ahn-ton goes with a small detachment of soldiers and spies to get information about this planet and its dealings.

        1. Shadowport

          • Smuggler Haven

          • Hub of Galactic Slave trading

      5. Part of the Rakatan infinite Empire

        1. <a href=""></a>

      6. No Government.