Darth Burdon

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Darth Burdon

At a glance
Name(s) Darth Burdon
Chirette Gree
Title/occupation Head of the Sith Sphere of Biotic Science
Portrayed by Helena Bonham Carter
Species Human-ish
Gender Female
Force sensitive? Yes
Home/place of origin
Status Living
Known vessel(s)
Organizational affiliations Dark Council
Personal relationships Former boss of
Former friend of
Rumored former lover of Ovilia Keff'Ree

Character Overview

Physical Appearance



<Detailed overview of this character's story prior to introduction include death details if applicable>


Protagonist interactions

Hired Valtus Erastor to track and aprehend Ovilia Keff'Ree


Known Aliases

<List of known aliases or assumed identities. Include informal/unofficial nicknames>



General details


<list and describe any specialized skills>


Known Vessel(s)

<List any known vessels owned by the character. If a named vessel is frequented but not owned by the character, include that here>


Specialized tech

<Homegrown or customized technology, weapons, armor, etc.>