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This is the main page for StoryTime: Earth Mystical

The World


Misc facts about this realm

The name of the Pole Star of the North is Astrid.

There is a yearly celebration called Aldentide. This celebration marks the commencement of the next year of life for everyone. Ages are not measured as in Earth Proper, but we reckon ages for a person to be in their 18th year, instead of being 17.

This world has 3 moons. They are named Luna, Zenorr, and Alden.

There are tournaments held on a yearly schedule

Common games

Legends and Myths

House of Peerage The realm uses one central house to record and track ancestry and titles of noble houses for the world.


Oerendine Masters in May
Wynndar Masters in June
Meentsu Masters in early July
Dinas Olympiad in late July - every 4 years
Social Season in August
Northern Masters in September

Magical Orders
