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At a glance
Name(s) Trabosid
Portrayed by Keith Hamilton Cobb
Species Human
Gender Male
Force sensitive? Yes
Home/place of origin
Status Living
Known vessel(s)
Organizational affiliations Sith
Personal relationships

Character Overview

Trabosid works for one of Darth Shash's inquisitors. He is also known to Ahn-ton Kenobi as Brousis, where they met at a negotiation.

Physical Appearance

The videos linked here are for reference. Trabosid looks like this, but dresses differently than this character. Mannerisms are similar.


Backstory Trabosid traveled with Darth Shash and his entourage to the peace summit on Alderaan, and overheard Ovilia Keff'Ree calling after Darth Shash. He investigated her a bit more, eventually introducing himself to Sana Beruu, the "Official Girlfriend". Trabousid was unable to read Sana, as she was a hole in the Force. The two went to lunch at a pub around the corner from the Conference hall. Sana Asked Trabosid to help her, and he agreed to pass a message to Shash for her.

"I won't promise you something I can't deliver. But. I can pass on to Darth Shash that you want to speak with him. How can I contact you? Give me something I can pass along to Darth Shash."

General details


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